Ghi chú Biến_loạn_Fujiwara_no_Hirotsugu

  1. Một hội đồng thứ hai, được gọi là "Hội đồng các vấn đề Kami" (Jingi-kan) có địa vị gần như bằng nhau và bị buộc tội giám sát các giáo sĩ và nghi lễ của Thần đạo.
  2. Fujiwara Four đã hỗ trợ khiến Hoàng tử Nagaya tự sát trước đó.
  3. Since the text in classical Japanese in the Shoku Nihongi is somewhat ambiguous and contradictory, historians mistakenly believed that Genbō had seduced Empress Kōmyō or the wife of Fujiwara no Hirotsugu.[16][17]
  4. This number varies widely in literature with some sources giving 10,000[3][27] and others 12,000 to 15,000.[1]
  5. The traitor Hirotsugu was a wicked youth and came to do more and more evil as he grew up. His late father, the minister of ceremonial, wanted to disinherit him, but we intervened. However, when he slandered his family, we sent him away and were awaiting his reform. Now it comes to our ears that he has begun a ridiculous rebellion, causing suffering among the people. Because of his extreme disloyalty and lack of filial piety, the gods of heaven and earth will surely bring his destruction in a matter of days.Although we sent the above message to the provinces of Kyushu several days ago, it has come to our ears that the traitor captured the man assigned to distribute it and prevented him from informing the people. This time we have made several hundred copies of the message and have distributed them everywhere, so such interference will be impossible.Let all who see this rescript immediately return allegiance to the throne. Whoever slays Hirotsugu will be promoted to fifth rank and given other rewards, even if he is one of the rebels, and even if he is not currently a member of the official class. If by any chance the man who does the deed is himself killed, we promise the reward to his descendants. Come forth now, loyal subjects and faithful retainers. Our imperial army is advancing on Kyushu. [Shoku Nihongi 12/9/29][22]
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 chỗ ở tạm thời được xây dựng để phù hợp với chuyến thăm của Hoàng gia